Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday, October 10

“This is the underpinning of true faithfulness: persistence whether or not it is convenient.”

-Glenna Marshall, Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World

We had just finished breakfast this morning when we heard a knock. (In Lavukaleve, as in English, “knock, knock” is an onomatopoeia: “tek, tek”.) Ezekiel's voice rang out and put a smile on our faces. Yesterday, his village held a district wide meeting, and some of the catechists from another village had expressed their excitement about the Lavukal translation. They poured even more fuel on Ezekiel's fire, and he was here at 7:45 on a Saturday morning, unannounced, ready to work.

So I began to make banana cake (really muffins) to send to Ezekiel's son as a thank you for the use of his motorboat earlier in the week, and Aaron and Ezekiel walked over to the church to work. I finished the banana cake as well as some banana bread for us. The girls and I mopped, peeled cassava, finished washing and hanging laundry, scraped coconuts, washed dishes, and prepared pumpkin leaves. I cooked lunch and took some over to the church so they could keep working.

After lunch, Olivia began making a new double-tied skirt underneath the house with a friend and her little one. Last time, she learned how to make a single-tied skirt. Another big feast day is coming up, and Olivia is looking forward to traveling to another village and participating with the youth in all of the activities, including custom dancing. The guys finally wrapped up, and Ezekiel walked down to his dugout canoe around 2:45 with a load of banana cake. A very productive Saturday, indeed!

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