Friday, September 27, 2024

March 2024 Getaway

We try to invest in our marriage by taking weekend getaways twice a year. Usually, we plan them in conjunction with our proposal-versary in January and our anniversary in July.

In January 2024, I was finishing up radiation, so we delayed our proposal-versary trip until March when I felt a little bit better. Arkansas has so many hidden gems to discover and enjoy. We began our trek up Highway 65 with a stop at Serenity Farm Bread.

I'm so grateful that Aaron is willing to donate plasma to pay for things like weekends away. We stayed at a beautiful little cabin near Harrison, aptly named Beit Shalom, or House of Peace.

While we enjoyed the quiet and the beauty around us, we read through "Rhythm of Us" and watched accompanying videos.

Those resources gave us many conversation starters. But mostly we just got still and quiet, something we don't do often enough.

In addition, we hiked the Round Top Mountain Trail,

and tried the burgers at the historic and beautiful Ozark Cafe in Jasper.

Another afternoon we drove up to the Neighbor's Mill Bakery and listened to some of the Rhythm of Us videos while sipping coffee on the patio outside this lovely building. We also enjoyed hiking portions of the Buffalo River Trail.

On the way home, we splurged at DeVito's Restaurant. Their trout farm produced the most delicious Trout Amandine I have ever put in my mouth! And you know the desserts are going to be good when "Uncle so and so" makes the pies and the other "Uncle so and so" makes the cakes. Truly a family run operation.

As we neared home and the end of our much needed marriage retreat, we stopped at Rock-N-Java for coffee and one last view of Arkansas' beautiful topography.

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