Tuesday, September 24, 2024

On the Homefront - February 2024

While Aaron and Katherine were in the Solomon Islands, I stayed busy visiting Grandma.

and listening to books like Awestruck, which strengthened my resolve to do things like getting outside in God's creation and building community through hospitality.

My sweet friend, Gayly, came through town and was willing to meet me for a quick supper stop before she continued on the road. She is a faithful friend, indeed, even visiting us in Marulaon Village.

I diligently cared for Katherine's zoo while she was gone, and none of her animals died :)

Chemotherapy treatments continued, as I counted down towards the final one on Memorial Day weekend.

My mom and I took walks with her buddy, Roxie.

My Grandmother's little sister turned 80, and it was a joy to attend a celebration honoring her.

My cousin, Luke, had an apartment fire, so he moved into our house. I really appreciated having somebody else around while the rest of my family was overseas.

Luke is a photographer, so we took a sunrise trip up to Petit Jean State Park.

Fueled by a thermos of hot chocolate, we soaked up God's handiwork as the sun made the Arkansas River glow. Then, we hit the trails for a different kind of beauty.

Finally, on the day Aaron and Katherine were scheduled to return to Arkansas, 

I got to play my cello for a wedding at the church where I grew up.

The bonus to this wedding? Olivia was a bridesmaid, so I got to spend some time with her, too!

I hadn't worn concert black in a very long time, and it felt so good.

Thankfully, after the wedding I got this photo from the weary travelers on their way home, and by the end of the day, they were safely tucked in their own beds again.

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