Saturday, September 21, 2024

In memory of Robert Bruce Choate, 1949-2024

Aaron and his dad on our wedding day

Shortly after Aaron and Katherine hopped on a plane to return to the Solomon Islands, Aaron's dad began to decline quickly and died only a few days later. So, with much prayer and support from our SITAG family, Aaron turned around and flew across the Pacific Ocean again, leaving Katherine in the care of her adopted family.

I picked him up at the airport in the middle of the night. Hannah and Benjamin flew up from Houston, Olivia and Connor drove down from Siloam Springs.

And we joined the rest of the Choate family in remembering Bob Choate. Aaron played his cello while Olivia played the piano during the memorial service.

Aaron's nephew got leave from the navy to attend the funeral, I can't remember the last time the brothers and their sons were in the same room.

Although it we didn't anticipate the opportunity to spend time together, we relished every minute we got riding in the same vehicles as we traveled to and from the funeral.

Katherine was well cared for and thrived as she spent time with her long lost "cousin sisters" who shared her experiences of growing up in the Solomon Islands.

Within a few days, I put Aaron back on a plane to continue his time in the Solomon Islands. Although he had to miss the majority of SITAG's Conference, he still could work with the translation team as they trudged through the gospel of Matthew.


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