Friday, September 20, 2024

Off to the Solomon Islands

"Your life will contribute to a grand and wonderful story no matter what you do. You have been spoken. You are here, existing, choosing, living, shaping the future and carving the past."
~N.D. Wilson, "Death by Living"

As soon as Katherine's concert finished, we turned all of our attention to getting the last things packed in suitcases for Aaron and Katherine's return to the Solomon Islands. They were going to attend SITAG's Conference and to stick around for a couple of weeks afterward to work with the Lavukaleve translation team. Several other families would also be arriving, and two of Katherine's friends would also be coming with their families for the meetings.

The other big bonus on this trip was that Sarah was joining their flight path in Los Angeles and would be leading the kids' program in Honiara while the adults were in meetings. Sarah wouldn't stay the entire month because of work commitments, but she and her team brought extra joy to this trip.

One of my favorite things about SITAG's Conference is the team reports, when each family gives a brief update and then everyone gathers around to pray for the family. 

I joined via Zoom each day for the worship time. Watching my hubby lead the music from the future was a little bit surreal!

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