Monday, March 31, 2008
Lewis and Clark's Cinnamon Buns
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Fun with Friends
Friday, March 28, 2008
Making Ugali with Mwalimu Alice
My Swahili teacher, Alice, held class in our kitchen this morning. She showed us how to make ugali (all in Swahili, of course), and the process is fascinating! The ugali puffs up while it is cooking, and you have to use a special stirring stick and strong muscles to make the ugali come out just right. Ugali (oo-gaw-lee) is a little like cornbread without any leavening, and you eat it with your stew. The consistancy of the ugali is like play-dough, and you break off a piece, mold it into a little scoop, and use the ugali almost like a spoon to eat the stew. I have really enjoyed learning Swahili with such a patient and kind instructor! Hard to believe that my Swahili evaluation is next Friday.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Ladies' Room
Monday, March 24, 2008
Busy Easter Weekend
We have enjoyed a full Easter weekend of celebrating God's gift of life! Saturday, Aaron took the older children on a romp through the trails. We've had so much rain lately that the streams and creeks were full, and the kids had a blast exploring all of the waterfalls and mud.
Orange is the twilight night He prayed.
Black is our sin stain for which He paid.
Red is His own shed blood so bright.
Yellow is the Son’s warm, healing light.
Purple is His head crowned with thorns.
Pink is hope risen on Easter morn.
Brown is the ground where He was laid.
Gray is the stone that was rolled away.
White is God’s grace we freely receive.
Green our eternal life when we believe.
All of these colors represent something true:
Jesus Christ, God’s own Son, died for me
and died for you.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Update on Olivia's toe
When I grow up... (or Language Arts assignment at the Choate house)

Have you ever imagined what will happen when you grow up? Someimtes I imagine that when I grow up, I will live in Amarillo, Texas. I will be a ranch owner and worker. What' I'll do in my spare time is write letter, cook, read, and exercise horses. My family will consist of my horse, my daughter, and my husband. Star, my horse, will be quick and gentle. Sara, my daughter will be smart and like to clean. My husband, Austin, will like to play outside. Doing all that will be so much fun! I can't wait till I grow up!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The good, the bad and the ugly
Saturday, March 15, 2008
On a lighter note, one of the goals for Sarah this year was to help her learn how to be comfortable in the kitchen and begin to cook on her own. Thanks to our friend G. in Kansas, we have found a fabulous source of fun new recipes online. The one Sarah made last night was apple dumplings, and, boy, they are yummy! Enjoy serving up some love to your friends and family.
Guess What We Enjoyed For Lunch Today?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Corps of Discovery
Some favorite books
Monday, March 10, 2008
Paul Revere's Ride
Our camera only takes videos for three minutes, so her poem is in two sections. Keep listening...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Half Way There!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Thumbs Up!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
I needed a break between reading "Kick Starting Your Language Learning" and "How to Develop a Situational-Topical Syllabus"! Sarah wanted to share her piano progress. I'm really proud of both her and Benjamin and how hard they are working on piano. We will miss their sweet piano teacher when we move.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Now or Never
The week ahead just holds lots of school for all. Assignments and expectations are increasing as we begin Week 4, and God's grace and provision keeps increasing along with the load. As the weeks pass, I know we are becoming better equipped to serve in the Solomons.