Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

On Good Friday, many special services were planned to celebrate.  Morning Prayer met as usual around 6:30, then a special "Litany of the Sufferings" was held at 9:00.  At 1:30, the drum called everyone to the Stations of the Cross.  Stations were set up around the village, and everyone walked as a group to each station, listened to the catechist explain the station, and sang a hymn together.  It lasted about two hours, and at the end, the catechist decided that it would serve in place of Evening Prayer.  We hadn't realized that Good Friday would be such a full day!
On Saturday, Olivia and Sarah met at the church with the other girls to gather flowers and decorate the church for Easter.  They walk around the village snapping off pretty leaves and flowers and bring full arms back to the church before dumping everything in a pile and starting off again.  The church was beautiful when they finished stringing flowers around the building. 

1 comment:

Nahna said...

We are so excited to be coming to see you all...cannot wait to hug everyone and meet the neighbors.

Easter there is quite a big thing...that is awesome!!

Love you all.