Friday, April 16, 2010

More Pisu

Friday, April 16
Today, we learned how to make pisu.  First, we harvested uvikola (about the same amount as we would for lelenga - two tree's worth).  Then I asked Jemmalin how many coconuts we needed to scrape.  The answer, fifteen!  So, after the ovikola was boiled and the scraped coconut all squeezed, we began the process of boiling the coconut milk.  I had been warned that it took a long time, but I wasn't prepared for the two hours it took for the coconut milk to turn from creamy, milky white to brown small curds swimming in a thick layer of oil.  We borrowed a nago and a kolkol (like a big mortar and pestle) to pound the ovikola to a creamy consistancy.  Took lots of muscle!  Finally, we were ready to smooth out the obikola and cut it into eight pieces.  Each piece we rolled up, and then it was ready to eat.  The whole process took us about six hours.  Definitely a food for a Sunday or a community feast!
Please keep praying for rain.  We had a few sprinkles this morning, but it was only enough to wet the gutters and put a very few gallons into the tanks - our daily portion of "manna".

1 comment:

Kecia said...

What did it taste like? Was it good?