Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sweet Sabbath

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations."  Psalm 67: 1, 2

Continuing to count His blessings:

-colorful floral gloves to wear while I'm washing dishes

-orange sparkly pencils

-the sun setting in a scarlet blaze while Rutter's Requiem wafts through the house

-my favorite wooden bracelet inlaid with shells smashing into bits as it cushions my fall and keeps me safe on the sidewalks of Honiara

-knock knock jokes (especially when told by a three-year-old)

-romance in the form of frozen broccoli

-when "just dropping by to pick up something" turns into sitting and chatting for over an hour

-peach iced tea

-father and daughter making Saturday morning pancakes together


Abi's Blog said...

I love peach tea, too! VBS today all prayers appreciated! :) Have (or hope you had) a wonderful day!
Love and blessings,

Nahna said...

Glad you are ok after your fall....where were you?

Sounds like most everything is well with all. How is Sarah's foot?

love you all