Friday, April 18, 2014

Flexibility, Fun, and Family

 Yesterday afternoon, Aaron was supposed to deliver some fuel to a ship so our colleagues could deliver portions of AreAre scripture on Easter weekend.  Unfortunately, he discovered that this particular ship doesn't carry small containers of fuel, you have to send a 200 gallon barrel.  So, the SITAG family sprang into action!
A few phone calls later, several of the SITAG guys assembled to practice their flexibility and put together the pieces of the fuel and barrel puzzle so that an empty barrel could be produced to send out to our colleagues in the village.  Did I mention that these guys had about an hour to make everything happen before the boat left?

God smoothed the way once they arrived at the ship.  A new AreAre friend waded through the crowd on the ship to find somebody going out to our colleagues' village and willing to keep an eye on the barrel of fuel.  A huge thanks to our SITAG family who dropped what they were doing to help out a team in the village - flexibility, fun, and family all crammed into an hour!

1 comment:

Bartokhound said...

Ingenious! Way to go, guys!!!
