Friday, July 21, 2017

Blackberries and Books

Even though we weren't able to pick blackberries earlier this week, we still had some berries in the freezer from our last foray to the orchard.

And two of our favorite things are food and books!  I just purchased the lovely book "A Fine Dessert:  Four Centuries, Four Families, One Delicious Treat", so I knew that making (and eating) blackberry fool was going to be happening at our house.

We also took advantage of the local library and checked out "Blackberry Booties" (a familiar favorite from a few years ago) and "Just One" (more appropriate for the little ones visiting us this week).

And then we dove into making delicious blackberry fool!

Blackberry Fool
2 1/2 cups fresh blackberries (Other berries will do -- but the fool won't be such a nice purple color; frozen berries will work, though fresh are nicer.)
1/2 cup sugar, divided in two
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups heavy cream

Mash the berries with a potato masher or a large fork.  If you've got a food processor, you can use that.  With clean hands, press the crushed berries through a sieve to remove the seeds. (And if you want to imitate our household, make sure you pretend to be Brutus with Julius Caesar's blood on your hands.) 

Sprinkle the fruit with 1/4 cup of the sugar.  Stir.  In a separate bowl, mix together the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar, the vanilla and the cream.  Using a whisk or whatever kind of beater you have, whip the mixture until it makes soft peaks, but not stiff ones.

Fold the sugared berries into the whipped cream.  There should be streaks of white and purple.  Refrigerate for 3 hours or more.  Eat!  And don't forget to lick the bowl.

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