Saturday, July 6, 2019

Village Phone Booth

Towards the end of his time in the village, Aaron was able to find a phone signal that was amazingly constant and steady.  Of course, he had to stand on a plank that had been placed across the roots of a tree and hold the phone over his head while using the speaker, but hearing his voice and having regular communication made all the difference in staying connected.  We're hopeful that we can still find this sweet spot for future visits!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Inquiring minds want to know... how did he FIND this special spot??? :D

Choate Family said...

Julie, somebody else found it before he did, hence the plank across the tree roots. I know Aaron has walked around while holding the phone up and watching for a signal. When you find those freeze in place, mark the location somehow, and hope that nothing changes :-)