Thursday, August 22, 2019

Organic Produce

I'm still making language blunders.  There is one woman in all of Honiara's Central Market who speaks Lavukaleve.  I always try to buy from her, but my language skills are rusty at best.  Especially when my wheels are turning trying to remember whether the word for heap needs a masculine, feminine, or neuter marker for two - the only number that needs to agree.  The result is that I almost never buy two of anything!  My girls won't let me live down the fact that I told our friend that she was tall (Inu sosona.) instead of that she was willing (Inu sasavali.) as she gave me an extra heap of tomatoes. 

But I really do love all of the fresh and abundant produce we can get here in town.  Especially when we are reminded that it is organic because of the cute little critters that Katherine finds.

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