Saturday, June 3, 2023

May (1st Half)

When we heard about the re-release of "Return of the Jedi" to celebrate its 40th anniversary, we knew we wanted to take a trip to the movie theatre. 

My semester as a student finished when I turned in my research paper. Such relief! We celebrated by going to a new place, Las Delicias, suggested to us by one of the violin students at the junior high school. Their logo says "Ice cream, Hispanic cravings, and more". A whole new world of food has been opened...we split the churro split.

The next day, we drove to Dallas to celebrate Sarah's graduation from Dallas International University.

We hadn't been together as a family since Christmas, so there was lots of laughter.

We enjoyed hiking and picnicking at Cedar Hill State Park.

And extended family came to support Sarah and all the hard work she has poured into her last two years in Dallas.

As the time for graduation drew near, I popped into the lobby to get one more hug and found Sarah's cohort praying together before they walked across the stage.

Not only did family members show up, but people we count among our adopted family also attended the graduation.

Our SITAG family Gebauer Power made it after driving all day long.

And the Ashleys, aka Uncle Fudge and Aunt Karen, also attended.

The Huntleys have served as Sarah's adopted family while she has been in school. Watching their family grow over the years has been so fun.

And before we left, some of Sarah's friends introduced me to a "deck workout" and let me tag along.

We are trying to grow some new things this year, planting food instead of flowers in the back and trying to figure out the light in each area of the yard.

 This country provides so many opportunities, like voting and medical care.

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