"God graciously uses community to expose our sin and to invite us to believe the gospel and allow it to work change more deeply into our attitudes, motives, words, and actions."
~ Robert H. Thune & Will Walker, The Gospel Centered Community
Marriage is a type of community. Certainly, marriage is one of the tools God wields to faithfully shine light on my unbelief and to patiently draw my heart back towards him and towards my husband. On Saturday morning, we drove to the White River Bluff Loop for a hike.
We weren't expecting several inches of cold wet snow to be covering the trail, but we also didn't anticipate the cold distance between us. This perspective of the White River delighted me, especially because we floated down this river last summer for my birthday. Unfortunately, I was distracted by trying to figure out what was coming in between us, and I struggled to appreciate God's beautiful creation.
I have never seen a live armadillo, and this little guy was enjoying an "all you can eat buffet" of some critters exposed by the melting snow. Mr. Armadillo had no intentions of letting us interrupt him from his feast, so we just gave him a wide berth.
After we finished the hike, chilly in too many ways, we sat in the van for an hour and spilled our hearts. We talked about our differences. We took the time to listen. We appreciated each other's strengths. We refused to let our hearts stay cold toward each other. Reconnecting wasn't easy. And it took longer than I wanted it to take. But we have a history of trust. Of fighting together. We know we are better and stronger and more resilient together. And we know our Savior is up to something good as He works in our marriage.
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