For today...Monday, September 27
Outside my window...I'm sitting in McDonald's to access the internet, so cars are driving through and children are playing on the playground
I am thinking...about the guys walking 2000 kilometers to promote awareness of Bible translation
I am thankful for...the church we attended yesterday, all in English, with a great sermon and worship
I am wearing...comfy, cotton clothes and tennis shoes to make my trek around the neighborhood
I am wearing...comfy, cotton clothes and tennis shoes to make my trek around the neighborhood
In the learning doing school whenever we are on public transportation for a long time or in a doctor's waiting room; and visiting museums, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary and the ballet later this week
I am walk to the grocery store in just a few minutes while Aaron shops for a water pump for our village house
I am currently reading...loads of Agatha Christie left in our flat (Mrs. McGinty's Dead, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd...)
From the kitchen...LOVING cooking old familiar recipes and finding new ones with ingredients that we can't find in the Solomons
Around the house...lots of hot drinks (like Cadbury's Mint Drinking Chocolate) as we enjoy the cooler weather
One of my favorite things...the laughter of my children, and I'm hearing it frequently these days!
From my camera...Sarah discovered the "whilrly-bird" seed pods that I loved as a child

So good to get updates. :) Sarah is such a beautiful young lady! She takes after her mother - beautiful photo of you and Aaron.
I love the laughter of my children! Sarah would be surprised to find the ground in our backyard covered with whirly birds in late spring here. Glad you're enjoying your time in Aus.
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