Thanks to Peggy for making me slow down and think each week.
For today...Tuesday, September 14
Outside my window...a new day is beginning, roosters are crowing, birds are chirping, airplanes are humming overhead
I am thinking...about all of the things that have to be done before we can go back to Marulaon.
I am thankful for..."Women of the Harvest", a website dedicated to women (and their extended families) on the mission field. This ministry helps keep me from going dry!
I am wearing...floral knee-length skirt & burgundy t-shirt from the second hand store here in Honiara (great place to shop if you have the time & energy to sort through the racks of clothes), my hair up in a coconut shell clip
In the learning room...celebrating family with Katherine (perfect timing for Grandparents' Day), Sarah finishing up a research paper comparing aspects of China and Japan,
I am Christmas shopping!
I am Brisbane on Thursday, the first time for me to go visit my Mom's old stompin' grounds
I am currently reading...a Martha Stewart Living magazine from a care package
I am continue running while we are in Brisbane
On my mind...nourishing my family mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally
Noticing that...the tradewinds are finally dying down
Pondering these words..."To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart." --Phyllis Theroux the out the pantry and fridge (again), seems like we just did this
Around the house...Katherine reading aloud from the "family" basket: "Are You my Mother?" by P.D. Eastman, boxes piling up to go into storage while we are in Brisbane
One of my favorite things...quiet, unhurried mornings with a cup of coffee and my Bible
From my exercise buddy who faithfully encourages me to be a good steward of my body

You both make exercise look like fun :o)! Coffee and quiet time with my Bible is one of my favorite things too.
I'm finally catching up! Yay! Steven was reading "Are You My Mother?" this past week, too! :-)
I'm so proud of you Joanna!
Hugs friend,
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