Saturday, December 19, 2015

In just a few days, we'll experience the shortest day of the year.  After living near the equator for so many years, these short days (when the sun doesn't rise until after 7 o'clock in the morning and sets before 5 o'clock) mean we really enjoy the changing of the seasons.  I love the coziness and coolness this time of year!

As much as I am soaking up and enjoying the beginning of winter, some critter is really enjoying my broccoli.  In early November, I planted eighteen broccoli seedlings, and now only three are left.  Reminds me of the book "Rabbit Hill" a little bit.  At least my family doesn't have to depend on my little garden to provide every morsel of food.

My sweet Sarah keeps a sourdough starter going, and we often enjoy bread or cinnamon rolls.  Sarah made the prettiest breakfast tray to get my chilly morning started well.  Bacon from Kansas and some extra time to read before my feet hit the ground equals a day well begun!

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