Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sweet Sabbath
Technical Difficulties
-Benjamin got to clean out our water tank Friday, and God sent more rain today for our clean and empty tank. For his Language Arts assignment this week, he had to write the instructions for how to do something, so he chose how to make chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. These cookies happened to be a "jar" recipe, so Benjamin made five jars worth of ingredients and passed them out at staff meeting this week along with his instructions. My favorite part? The last line of his directions: Make sure you wash the dishes and clean up after yourself.
-Olivia continues to play her RV game. Today, she and I began a trip from Davao (in the Phillipines), travelled down to New Zealand, across to Chile, and up to Little Rock, Arkansas. I told her that I thought that it might take a long time, and her reply was "Don't worry, I brought a few snacks!"
-Sarah made playdough for Katherine (including some fruit punch flavored Kool-Aid) one day this week, and they played with it during their special school time together. I wonder if Sarah will specialize in early childhood education when she gets older? Sarah showed Katherine how to roll snakes and use the cookie cutters with the homemade clay.
-We got to help out a little bit with a literacy workshop this week by stuffing folders. I was really proud of my kids as they worked to quickly finish their job.
-Sarah makes tortillas every week for taco night (thanks to all of the taco seasoning we've received in care packages!). This week when she brought me a tortilla fresh from the skillet and I immediately devoured it, a wave of nostalgia overwhelmed me and I was transported back to Casa Bonita in Little Rock. I've seen pictures of me eating there as a very little girl, Aaron and I used to eat there whenever we went to the Cinema 150 on a date, and I've taken orchestras there to eat while we were on field trips. So, this week, I ate at "Casa Honiara" and made plans for a furlough visit to Casa Bonita.
Hopefully, we'll be able to get pictures to post soon. To get ready for National Bubble Gum Day tomorrow, try this website where you can buy a kit to make your own gum or find a store that sells Glee Gum (made with sustainably forested rainforest chicle).
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Creative Kids
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mozart!
Classics for Kids has great lesson plans and radio broadcasts to help you learn about Mozart in a fun way. Our children love the days we utilize this tool to help us find out more about a composer.
Here are two of our favorite picture books about Mozart:
Getting to know the World's Greatest Composers: W.A. Mozart by Mike Venezia
Mozart Finds a Melody by Stephen Costanza
We loved watching the opera "The Magic Flute" (with subtitles, of course). To introduce the opera we read some of the picture book versions of the opera first. The kids still sing arias from this opera even though we studied Mozart two years ago. Nobody can imitate the Queen of Night like Sarah!
This computer game will familiarize children with the opera as well. A favorite with our kids, it teaches facts about Mozart and hones listening skills.
Out of the mouths of babes...
Simple Woman's Daybook

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Snow Day
Bonegi Beach
Saturday, January 24, 2009
California Gold Rush
Some of our favorite books about this subject:
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Magnetic Paintings and Ballet
While the paintings were drying, we listened to the "Classics For Kids" show about Tchaikovsky's ballets. Then, we followed up with selections from "A Child's Introduction to Ballet" (a Barnes and Noble moving sale treasure).
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
WWII Monuments
The Japanese Monument was sad because it was in such disrepair. A family who lived just below the monument walked up and visited with us a little bit. They said that their village used to be paid to keep the Japanese Monument in good shape, but since they no longer got paid, they no long had the right to look after the monument. A statue had been toppled and there was graffiti on the back of the monument in the picture.
We are so thankful for all of the men and women (past and present) who give of themselves to serve their country.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day
Monday, January 19, 2009
National Popcorn Day
Sing a song of popcorn
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Simple Woman's Daybook

Surprise in the mail!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Birthday Party - Solomon Island Style
Friday, January 16, 2009
Benjamin Franklin's birthday
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Botanical Gardens
"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I send it."
Oh, that Your Word would go forth in the Solomon Islands and produce an abundant harvest.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Take a Missionary to Lunch Day (In honor of Alber Schweitzer's birthday)
-Celebrate the most obvious way-take a missionary to lunch! Better yet, take their whole family out to lunch or dinner. Call your church or local Christian organizations to see if any missionaries are home on furlough.
-Can't find any missionaries to take to lunch? Put together a "lunch basket" to send to missionaries overseas. Include a variety of items they may not be able to get. Let your children pick out their favorite snack to send to missionary children (suggestion from the Choates - e-mail and ask those missionary children what they are missing)
-We often think of missionaries as people who serve God only in remote third world countries. Show children how they can be missionaries in their own community.
-Ask your church or denomination for the addresses (or e-mail addresses) of missionaries with children close in age to your children. Start a correspondence with them. Ask about their hobbies, daily schedule, and new experiences. Ask how you can pray for them.
-Read a book about Albert Scheweitzer's life.
-Ask a missionary how your family can pray for him or her this coming year. If the missionary is in a third world country, can you help by sending school supplies to his or her children? Find a way to stay in contact with the missionary's family.
-Design a "Getting to Know You" scrapbook. Give family members sheets of paper that will fit in a photo album. Everyone designs several pages with photographs and descriptive captions. Include brochures from your hometown. Compile the scrapbook and send it to a missionary family.
-Along with taking a missionary to lunch, consdier giving missionaries living in the U.S. gift certificates to restaurants. They'll appreciate being able to take their family out to eat on a limited budget. Throw in some gift certificates to McDonald's for fun!
Monday, January 12, 2009
He popped the question (twelve years ago)!
Could I ever have imagined we would be translating Bibles in the Solomon Islands? Nope. Would I say "yes" all over again. You bet. Thanks for twelve amazing years, Aaron. I'm so glad you asked me to join you in this journey of life.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Simple Woman's Daybook
PE this morning as we practiced our knee stands (readiness for head stands) - Katherine just had to get in on the fun!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things (again)
Friday, January 9, 2009
Philatelic Bureau (Pictures by Benjamin)