[Amy Carmichael] was finding out firsthand that missionaries are not set apart from the rest of the human race, not purer, nobler, higher. "Wings are an illusive fallacy," she wrote. "Some people may possess them, but they are not very visible, and as for me, there isn't the least sign of a feather. Don't imagine that by crossing the sea and landing on a foreign shore and learning a foreign lingo you 'burst the bonds of outer sin and hatch yourself a cherubim.' "
from "A Chance to Die" by Elisabeth Elliot
What?! You mean you're mere mortals, like the rest of us?
Beautiful pic, btw.
I am so happy to know that the book arrived...thougth it would never get to me either....happy reading.
That is a profound thought for any of us who are attempting to serve the Lord...this shore or foreign...come to think of it, this shore is a mission field too, right?
Hava a happy day.
how true is that quote?! Love it. And what a beautiful photo. Love you guys!
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