FOR TODAY... Monday, January 18
I am thinking...about making each word a gift. "...say only what helps, each word a gift." Eph. 4:29 The Message
Outside my window...dark, quiet, wet from the rain that fell all afternoon as it filled up the rain tank, it's been a very full day
I am thankful for...my sweet husband and the cup of coffee he brings me each morning
I am wearing...faded cotton pajamas, damp hair, bare feet
I am remembering...Martin Luther King, Jr. and his peace-loving, life-changing ways
I am going...to enjoy lots of company this week!
I am currently reading..."The New Laurel's Kitchen" by Laurel Robertson, Carol Flinders, and Brian Ruppenthal (I know it's a cookbook, but as Sarah says, "Mom, there's a lecture with every recipe!")
I am hoping...to make the time to catch up on e-mail soon.
On my mind...how much I need need insight and understanding. "...if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God . For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:3-6
Pondering these words... "...it has become clear...that nurturant work is not only for mothers, not only for parents even; it is the birthright of every man, woman, and child. Without it, we never grow to our full stature. This is an easy truth to discover when you start living it out. The only reason it is obscured from view in today's world is that supporting life is not a value on which our culture is based." from The New Laurel's Kitchen (emphasis mine)
From the kitchen...tomorrow we will enjoy camper's oatmeal in the morning, clean up leftovers for lunch, and share curried lentils & rice, fresh greens, pineapple, and scotch bars with a SITAG family
One of my favorite things...cooking with my kids
From my picture journal...

Katherine helping roll out tortillas
Lots of good thoughts in your daybook. Making each word a gift and your husband bringing you coffee every morning. What's not to love about that?
We prayed that very Proverb in co-op today. I am so glad that you have had rain. I am sure that must be a huge relief to know the barrel is full. We have been using as little water as possible, they come to pump the septic tomorrow.
Enjoy your company and have a great week.
Oh, I loved the B&B brochure on Joy's blog. I am still working my way through all of her visit posts, they're great.
Blessings friend...
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