Thursday, April 13, 2017

During SITAG's morning tea, the uncles and aunties gathered around Sarah and Benjamin to give brief speeches and then to pray blessings over them.  We're so grateful for the faithful men and women who work here. 
This is just one more step in helping our teenagers finish well here in the Solomon Islands and begin to transition to their next phase of life.  Sarah made a chocolate peanut butter cake to go along with the chocolate ice cream. 
I loved how Aaron explained that the delicious food was to help make us happy after expressing our sadness at Sarah and Benjamin leaving SITAG.  We also received the good news that our cargo is on its way back to Honiara this afternoon!  I see many loads of laundry in my future...

1 comment:

Herding Grasshoppers said...

I'm so glad you got to have that special time (AND chocolate peanut butter cake ;D)