Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mamas out there, let me encourage you that while you are taking care of everybody around you, make sure to do the same things for yourself.  For years, as we've traveled around the world, in and out of good medical care, I've made sure that my kids and hubby always got the shots, eye appointments, dental cleanings, etc., but I haven't been consistent in taking care of myself.

It's like the oxygen mask on the airplane, if I don't take care of myself, I won't be able to nurture those around me.  So, this week, I finally finished up all of my doctor's appointments!  If I want my family to be good stewards of their minds, bodies, spirits, and emotions, I need to model that.  One of our dear friends recommended the book "Mindset", and it finally came in at the library.  

I'm only a third of the way through, but I'm already being convicted about the way I'm using my mind and the ways I'm encouraging (or not) my kids to use their minds.

And while I'm on the topic of stewardship, we're tackling PE this semester to fulfill Olivia's credits for graduation.  Katherine can do more pushups and sit-ups than Olivia and I can do put together.  As I often told my orchestra students last year, we have lots of room for improvement!