Thursday, June 11, 2020

Penzella Perch

Last weekend, Aaron discovered that Penzella was planning to leave on Monday night.  So we made plans for Olivia and Aaron to return to the village.  Monday afternoon, the ship's captain rescheduled to a Tuesday evening departure.

Tuesday afternoon, the captain once again rescheduled the departure for Wednesday night, and he confirmed again on Wednesday afternoon.  So after an early supper Wednesday, we drove down to the Penzella to get these two pieces of my heart on the ship.

When the captain realized that Olivia was going along, too, he moved a big ice chest and made a cozy little nook for cargo and for the two Choates that would be spending the night on the boat.  You can see in the top picture the amount of space they had to spread out on the floor, but it was sheltered, and they could stay together.  The departure time also changed to midnight, but my two adventurers brought The Lord of the Rings along to help them pass the time.

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