Sunday, June 14, 2020

Weekend Wonders

The Preacher exhorts us to enjoy what we can of the life God has given us.  This can be a way of glorifying god, and necessary reminder for those of us at midlife who may be carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.  As we begin to comprehend our end, the writer of Ecclesiastes exhorts us to live fully and abundantly here and now.  But enjoyment of life to which he refers is not an invitation, in the words of the late Prince, to "party like it's 1999".  It is connected to the command to love God heart, soul, mind, and strength. 
~Michelle Van Loon, "Becoming Sage"

This weekend, Katherine and I are doing our best to live fully and abundantly, even while our family scatters.  She and I tackled going into town and shopping on Saturday morning, and then finished up our June "treat" budget by stopping for a cool and colorful pick-me-up on our way home.

We're working hard, yet enjoying what God has given us.  While washing dishes together, we have been comparing her choices of modern praise and worship music with my old-fashioned version.  For example...Skillet vs. Steve Green.   After supper, we've had more time to read Little Women, since we aren't splitting time with Olivia and Aaron.  We also discovered an amazing resource in Crow's Eye Productions.  This organization details clothes and hair throughout history, beginning in the 14th Century.  My creative, Enneagram 4 Katherine is soaking up every detail.

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