Tuesday, June 28, 2022

April Showers of Joy

 "I think when we go looking for fun what we are actually looking for is home." 

 ~Annie F. Downs, "That Sounds Fun"

Sarah got me this book for Christmas, but I put it on my bookshelf and forgot about it.  The lovely April mornings with more light on the porch reminded me that I needed to pull it out and enjoy the accompanying symphony of morning birdsong.

"Knowing what sounds fun to you is about more than just filling your time and having an answer to a question at a party (or the end of a podcast interview).  To know what sounds fun to you, what uniquely brings a level of joy and peace and simple rest to your heart, is what reminds you that God's journey for your life includes glimpses of Eden that show up in smile lines on your face and laughter that sounds just like you and art made from your unique spot on this planet."

April was full of things that brought joy and rest and peace to my heart.  Katherine and I joined several other family members to celebrate Samuel and Maia's new baby.  The farmers market opened again, and I enjoyed seeing familiar faces while purchasing beautiful local produce.

I'm learning that my tummy doesn't do well with cow's milk, so when I saw this ice cream on sale, I snagged a container to try.  The family wasn't thrilled about the strong goat flavor, but it was a fun adventure eating experience.

Strawberries were beautiful this year, especially because we shared the picking with our friends, the Watts.  Time with them is always sweet.

Katherine's youth orchestra performed for some donors, so she hopped on a tour bus and spent the afternoon making music, I introduced Aaron to the Big Orange.  I think hamburgers are more special and taste WAY better when you haven't had one in a very long time.  And the milkshakes...woah.

When Aaron replaced the ceiling fans in one of the bedrooms, he uncovered yet another beautiful wallpaper, except this time it was a ceiling paper.  We didn't take the time to explore, but the colorful design made me smile, and one day I will dig around some more!

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