Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sweet Sabbath
"Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice." Psalm 105:1-3
-finding a little bit of beauty in a cucumber slice that Sarah rescued from the bowl
-a group of Wycliffe Associates coming this week to help out around Honiara
-my two year old walking around and singing hymns
-the truth of God's Word
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Piano Recital
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Language Learning
Whenever people ask us how they can pray for us, I always say, "Please pray for our language learning." More than anything else, this is the key to being able to start on translating the Bible and to building good relationships with our neighbors in the Russell Islands. Aaron and I use "The Language Learner's Proficiency Scale" (a modified ACTFL - taken from Terry Marshall's "The Whole World Guide to Language Learning") to self-evaluate. Currently, I'm a Novice-Mid, but I'm hoping to be a Novice-High by Christmas. So, here's what I can do:
-I can respond to simple commands such as "stand up" and "come here."
-I can greet people and take my leave correctly.
-I can ask basic questions, using who, what, when and where.
-I can make simple statements and commands such as "it's hot" and "turn on the light"
-I can thank people and make simple requests.
-I can use at least fifty words in apropriate contexts.
-I can sing one verse of a fold song or popular sing-along tune.
-I can perform at least one task at the novice-high level.
The scale also says:
-Can express very simple needs in polite language. Uses mostly memorized words and phrases. Can say short phrases if given time to think about what she/wants to say.
-Speaks in a heavy accent with many erros and confuses sounds that are similar.
-Speech is difficult to understand, even to teachers used to working with language students.
And here's where I hope to be by Christmas, by God's grace:
-I understand and can make simple statements about family, age, address, weather, time, and daily activites.
-I understand some words when the context helps explain them, e.g., in a cafe, the marketplace.
-My vocabulary includes names of basic concepts: days, months, numbers 1-100, articles of clothing, body parts, family relationships.
-I can use a least one hundred nouns and verbs in appropriate contexts. I am beginning to know what's expected of me in simple social situations.
-I can perform at least two tasks at the intermediate-low level.
In addition:
-Can ask questions and make simple statements based on memorized sentences. Understands conversation fragments and simple commands. Can deal with simple topics of daily need. Speaks mostly in short, direct sentences, but can say some longer phrases and sentences if given time to think about them first.
-Still makes frequent errors in pronunciation and word use. Frequently asks speaker to slow down or repeat. Communicates with coworkers but has difficulty with others.
-Behaves considerately in dealing with host country nationals. Understands some nonverbal cues.
Finding time to try and learn the language continues to be a real struggle for me. If I can carve out some time between school and supper preparation, I tend to be exhausted and "brain-dead". How I appreciate the prayers of friends and family around the world!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
We found this beautiful little butter dish and knife made from a shell. (I just noticed that my foot made it in the picture, too!) The shell really catches the light and refracts it into a rainbow of color on the back.
Please leave a comment by midnight (CST) on Friday night if you would like to enter the drawing for the butter dish. I continue to be amazed at God's beautiful creation and the way our neighbors make more beautiful things with God's good gifts!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Twenty years ago, I stood in a church parking lot with the cutest boy I had ever seen. And then he kissed me. The very first kiss for either of us. He began as the brown eyed cellist who shared a stand with me in orchestra, and now he is the sweet, wonderful, intelligent, talented, and handsome man who shares the adventure of life with me (and has passed his dimples on to most of our children).
Tonight, he sits in Papua New Guinea, and I sit in the Solomon Islands, miles apart, and our lives are miles from where we dreamed and planned we would be. But his kisses get sweeter every day, and as God unfolds the plan for our lives, the days get sweeter, too.
And the winner is...
Brenda! You'll be getting some mail at your new house soon. And since I bought an extra pair of earrings, we'll also send the runner-up a pair. So, Lisa, be looking in your mailbox in three to four weeks, too. We love saying thanks to our friends and family who keep up with us through the blog!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Honiara Woman's Daybook

For today...Monday, May 24
Outside my window...Benjamin hacking on a piece of wood trying to turn it into a model of a Chinese junk, clothes flapping on the line, sun shining hotly as usual
I am listening to...ceiling fans, SIWA water pouring into the tank outside (yay!), Olivia asking for help with vocabulary words, Katherine cutting
I am thankful for...a friend to watch Katherine in the early mornings while I walk since Aaron is gone
Pondering these words..."If we have a godly thirst, it will appear by diligence in frequenting the place and means of grace; brute beasts for want of water will break through hedges, and grace-thirsty souls will make their ways through all encumbrances to come where they may have satisfaction." Thomas Pierson
I am let the Holy Spirit control my tongue (even when I have a headache and Benjamin breaks a glass or when Katherine is screaming because she is so tired) and extending grace to myself when my tongue and my temper think they can do a better job than the Holy Spirit
I am wearing...turquoise sleeveless shirt that Aaron's mom brought, khaki skirt, turtle shell earrings (like the ones for the give-away), barefoot, hair in a coconut shell clip
Noticing...that it's much harder to fall asleep when I'm the only one in the bed
I am reading..."My Kids Are My Best Teachers: The ABCs of Parenting" by Bill Butterworth
From the kitchen...camper's oatmeal for breakfast, fruit & yogurt smoothies for a snack, leftovers for lunch (Benjamin commented how many more leftovers we have when Aaron is gone!), bar-b-que meatballs tonight
I am creating...some art cards, playing catch-up and trying to work ahead a little, too
From the learning rooms...reading "The Hobbit" and enjoying some cross-curicular activites, kids flying along in math books (how did they get so advanced so fast?), language learning as we listen to recordings of our neighbors in Marulaon, cursive practice, lots of reading, typing, playdough & alphabet cookie cutters, playing games with our art matching cards, same normal but wonderful habits of learning that we attempt to build day by day
One of my favorite things...the sunrise, always beautiful over the Pacific, but always different, too
A few plans for the rest of the week...SITAG ladies dessert on Wednesday night, WWII tour for the SITAG school-age kids on Friday, piano recital on Saturday afternoon, picking up Aaron from the airport on Sunday
Sharing a picture with big girls painting their paper mache characters (they finally dried!)

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Pentecost Sunday
"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground." Psalm 143:10
Sarah mixed up a rainbow cake all by herself, and we took both goodies to a SITAG potluck to share. I'm so thankful for God's gift of the Holy Spirit and for a day set aside to celebrate!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Giveaway Time Again!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Week in Pictures
Getting back to school this week after three weeks of "Spring Break" created some challenges for our family, but we're back in the swing of things now!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sweet Sabbath
"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." Psalm 63:3-5

-new babies (my sister's first baby, Shannon Matthew, born at 9:48 last night)
-books for me to read from the Educational Resource Center (from Olivia)
-morning light bathing everything in its path with a rosy glow
-having enough water to rinse all of the shampoo out of my hair
-apples and cheese (from Sarah)
-care packages from a sweet church in Tennessee
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Motu Party
Friday, May 14, 2010
Fundraising - Solomon Islands Style
Last week while we were still in Marulaon (was it only last week?!?), we learned that one of the young ladies from Marulaon attended a school in Honiara that would be holding a fundraiser. Sarah Kiko is one of her aunties and George Hensey (or "chairman" as we all call him since he's the church district chairman) both came in and brought shellfish and crab to help make money at the fundraiser.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Progress Report
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Almost every morning, Katherine wakes up around 5:30. She sweetly bebops around and asks for her coffee. As I mixed up breakfast today, I found her asking for a refill of coffee. While she waited, she grabbed another cup and placed both over her ears, listening intently. Then, she removed one cup and listened again. She kept this up for several minutes - I love to watch her learn! God's design of little brains never fails to amaze me.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 13, 14
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Honiara Womans' Daybook
For today...Monday, May 10
Outside my window...bright sunshine drying the clothes on the line and giving the kids a beautiful afternoon in which to enjoy playing with friends
I am thinking...about the amazing lunch we enjoyed today with Nahna and Papa. The restaurant where we wanted to eat for lunch was closed, so we went to an "Oriental" place we had never tried before. One of the things we ordered some crab cooked with ginger and shallots, and I don't know why I expected the crab to be already taken out of its shell. Guess I still think like an American. When it arrived, it was our favorite kind from Marulaon (kaful), and it sat there whole in all of its glory (they had tapped it apart to make it easy to get to the meat). Yum, yum, yum!
Noticing that...Honiara feels like a luxury resort after living in the village, especially with internet access. I love catching up with everybody!
I am thankful for...the grader that came down our road today making tomorrow's walking path much easier to navigate
I am wearing...a new, blindingly white t-shirt (thanks, mama), and a Laura Ashley skirt with embroidered details that I found at a second-hand store here in Honiara for a little more than a dollar
I am reading...Victoria's March/April edition, a birthday present courtesy of a sweet friend in Kansas. What a treat!
I am hoping...and praying that we can find my curriculum notebook (containing twelve weeks of curriculum for three children - school for Honiara and things to prepare for our next trip to Marulaon)
Pondering these words...To want what we don't have is impatience, for one thing, and it is to mistrust God. Is He not in complete control of all circumstances, events, and conditions? If some are beyond His control, He is not God....Spiritual victories are won in the quiet acceptance of ordinary events, which are God's "bright servants", standing all around us. --Elisabeth Elliot
I am hearing...ceiling fans, kids playing games inside and outside
Around the house...still unpacking boxes and restocking the pantry
One of my favorite things...fresh strawberries. No such thing here in tropical Honiara, so I'm living vicariously through a friend in Texas.
A few plans for the rest of the week...take Nahna and Papa to the airport tomorrow, finish unpacking, take a new SITAG couple grocery shopping Wednesday morning, start back to school with the kinds
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with beautiful flowers brought to me by my amazing husband for Mother's Day
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
by William Ross Wallace
They say that man is mighty,
He governs land and sea,
O'er lesser powers than he;
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