For today...Monday, May 24
Outside my window...Benjamin hacking on a piece of wood trying to turn it into a model of a Chinese junk, clothes flapping on the line, sun shining hotly as usual
I am listening to...ceiling fans, SIWA water pouring into the tank outside (yay!), Olivia asking for help with vocabulary words, Katherine cutting
I am thankful for...a friend to watch Katherine in the early mornings while I walk since Aaron is gone
Pondering these words..."If we have a godly thirst, it will appear by diligence in frequenting the place and means of grace; brute beasts for want of water will break through hedges, and grace-thirsty souls will make their ways through all encumbrances to come where they may have satisfaction." Thomas Pierson
I am remembering...to let the Holy Spirit control my tongue (even when I have a headache and Benjamin breaks a glass or when Katherine is screaming because she is so tired) and extending grace to myself when my tongue and my temper think they can do a better job than the Holy Spirit
I am wearing...turquoise sleeveless shirt that Aaron's mom brought, khaki skirt, turtle shell earrings (like the ones for the give-away), barefoot, hair in a coconut shell clip
Noticing...that it's much harder to fall asleep when I'm the only one in the bed
I am reading..."My Kids Are My Best Teachers: The ABCs of Parenting" by Bill Butterworth
From the kitchen...camper's oatmeal for breakfast, fruit & yogurt smoothies for a snack, leftovers for lunch (Benjamin commented how many more leftovers we have when Aaron is gone!), bar-b-que meatballs tonight
I am creating...some art cards, playing catch-up and trying to work ahead a little, too
From the learning rooms...reading "The Hobbit" and enjoying some cross-curicular activites, kids flying along in math books (how did they get so advanced so fast?), language learning as we listen to recordings of our neighbors in Marulaon, cursive practice, lots of reading, typing, playdough & alphabet cookie cutters, playing games with our art matching cards, same normal but wonderful habits of learning that we attempt to build day by day
One of my favorite things...the sunrise, always beautiful over the Pacific, but always different, too
A few plans for the rest of the week...SITAG ladies dessert on Wednesday night, WWII tour for the SITAG school-age kids on Friday, piano recital on Saturday afternoon, picking up Aaron from the airport on Sunday
Sharing a picture with you...my big girls painting their paper mache characters (they finally dried!)

Yay! So glad your paper mache dried! I've been praying for you while you've been Aaron-less. Thankful you have the chance to walk.
I love your remembering. It is so hard to be a gentle spirit when headachy. I always get headachy and irritable when Murray travels. Likely because I stall so long about going to bed. Praying you week goes well and for Aaron's safe return.
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