Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15

Marulaon hasn't had any petrol (gasoline) since we arrived.  Aaron brought some from Honiara for the translation committee, and we also have a reserve for ourselves as a part of our emergency plan in case we need to evacuate quickly.  The nearest place to buy petrol right now is Pipisala, a village on the Russells' biggest island.  It's not too far away, but the petrol sells for $115 (about US $15) a gallon.  It normally sells for $100 a gallon here in Marulaon.  We've already been asked for petrol for a priest who ran out of petrol before he reached his destination.  Last night, a young boy came and asked for petrol to run his family's generator.  We don't have enough petrol for Aaron to be the "village businessman", as the men who sell petrol are called.  We don't sell anything, since we value our visas and hope to stay in the Solomons for a very long time.  Please pray for wisdom for us to know the best way to use the translation committee's petrol and to use our own.


Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Oh wow. What a tough situation. I will sure be praying.

Kecia said...

Praying for you!

Cindy said...

Praying for your wisdom as you make difficult decisions.

The dB family said...

I'm praying!


Lisa said...

Praying for you and wondering how long it will be before the same decisions will be required here. It is one thing to figure out how to ration out fuel (and I am NOT making light of your decisions), but how does one do this when the desired item is food? The times we are living in feel very uncertain. I am thankful, that as I go out and travel within my community, the more I realize this is not my home, I'm just passing through. My husband keeps reminding me how much opportunity to witness there is going to be when it gets really hard.