Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Prayer Bouquets

"No matter what I do, the habit [of prayer] always interrupts things in the best of ways.  By introducing a new habit, there's a hook in each day, a place where the focus on self is snagged and disrupted.  And I'm reminded that work is not for me but for someone else..."  

I'm seeking to focus on prayer more during Lent and to give my very creative children tactile, innovative prompts to prayer.  As Olivia intones multiple accents from "Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset Sisters" (our new favorite read-aloud), Katherine and I are crafting flowers that will soon be inscribed with prayer requests.

It will be easy to pick one or two flowers or to chose to go through the whole bouquet as we pray for the people and needs that the Lord lays on our hearts.

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