Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Monday, December 16

Aaron’s trip to Karumalun yesterday morning began early. By 5:50, he was walking out the door, paddle in hand, on the way to the beach where our canoe lay waiting. As he walked away, I heard Karumalun’s bell strike twice. I love that my Prince Charming is always ready for an adventure. I’m the boring one who planned to stay in my hometown for my entire life and put down roots.

From our porch, I could watch Aaron’s progress across the little strip of ocean that separates our little island from Ezekiel’s little island. Aaron made good time and had the opportunity to change clothes and visit with Ezekiel before the last bell for church rang. I don’t know what Aaron shared with the congregation, but I know it was good.

After church, he ate breakfast with the other men who had conducted the church service: Ngara, our district priest; Moses, one of Marulaon’s catechists who is part of a swapping of catechists during Advent; and Ezekiel, the Lavukal Translation Team’s head translator. Ezekiel told a story that made me laugh when Aaron retold it. Evidently, that morning, those on shore watched a canoe with an adult man and a child zigzag from Marulaon toward Karumalun,

and everyone assumed it was Aaron and Katherine. But when the canoe approached the shore, everybody discovered that it was the district priest with the acolyte in tow. When Aaron paddled over shortly behind the priest, his canoe moved straight and swiftly, so they didn’t realize it was Aaron until he hauled his canoe onto the sand. My hubby is earning more brownie points for his canoe skills!

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