Monday, August 31, 2020
Marriage Monday
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Sweet Sabbath
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Advanced Biology
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
"He is a lyricist, carving us with words; a singer giving us a song; an author setting the rhyme and rhythm of our lives. This is the beautiful work of the Holy Spirit, who undergirds us with the truth of Christ, convicts us of sin, transforms us into Christlikeness, and causes us to explode with works and words of worship."
~Christine Hoover, "Searching for Spring: How God Makes All Things Beautiful in Time"
I needed the lesson to be retaught. Again. That the God who created the weather and the roots that are good for our bodies is also at work in me and in those around me. And the result is an explosion of works and worship.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Marriage Monday
"The distinction between Christians and the world should be crystal clear. Not because we're better people or come from better upbringings. In fact, we're not inherently any different from anyone else. Our hearts would love to march to the same self-absorbed cadence that drives the rest of the world. The only difference - the only difference - is Jesus."
~Nancy Wolgemuth, "Adorned: Living out the Beauty of the Gospel Together"
March to the same self-absorbed cadence as the rest of the world? I frequently make that choice. But one of the least selfish people I know is my husband. I think that characteristic is one of the biggest reasons we are still married. His giving of self is almost always quiet and hidden. On Saturday, he made two trips into town (not an undertaking for the faint of heart). The first trip was dedicated to navigating all of the stops needed to buy groceries. We don't have a big super store, one-stop for everything. He offered to go early so the girls and I could have time to exercise.
What we didn't know was that he was also going to have to fight the dragon of no water before he could go shopping. Somehow the line from the house's pump to the water tank got turned off, so thankfully it was an easy fix. Aaron humbly asked for help and saw the problem through to its conclusion. Then off he went into town. When he got home, we shoved the cold things into the fridge and set out again. This time, the goal was to get pictures made for our visa renewal. We're ready to turn in everything now - yippee!
My husband's unselfishness doesn't just pop up occasionally, it's an everyday occurrence. Sunday morning, he offered to make "Boston Cake", a twist on the old classic cinnamon rolls. He washed copious amounts of dishes. All of these small acts of unselfish service add up to something big - a beautiful example for the rest of us to love and serve each other.
"Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
Ephesians 5:1-2
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Sweet Sabbath
Friday, August 21, 2020
Inconsolable Things
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Technology continues to improve here in the Solomon Islands. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that Aaron can meet with a translation consultant via Zoom, but that's exactly what happened earlier this week in preparation for a consultant check of the first part of Matthew.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Intro to Opera
Somehow, we have missed the free operas the Metropolitan Opera has been offering throughout the COVID crisis. But now we know about them! We find ourselves munching through bowls and bowls of popcorn as we enjoy Wagner, Mozart, and Puccini. The music starts and stops as our slow internet strives to handle the load, but the hiccups are a small price to pay as we rejoice in the music. We've had SO much fun introducing our kids to the Tristan chord and reminiscing about playing in the pit for operas.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
He's Back!
So when he finally returned, we were extra happy to get him home.
He even came bearing gifts! A big container full of fish and taro with coconut cream that had been cooked on the motu. Our friend Henci went out fishing in the rain so that we could have a "taste of home". His family sent so much food that we had plenty to share at SITAG, and their gift made us feel cherished and missed.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Glimpses into my world...
One would think I had learned to hold my expectations loosely after living in the Solomon Islands for so many years, but that's a lesson I'm constantly revisiting. So I'm still learning to cling tenaciously to Jesus like my tomatoes cling to their vines. I'm seeking to set aside time for intentional worship with songs like Shane and Shane's Vintage album and Smokie Norful's "I Need You Now" (I played for his wedding and taught school at the same junior high, so it's been extra fun to watch his music flourish!).
Saturday, August 8, 2020
On My Virtual Bookshelf
- Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingslover. I totally embrace her reasons for choosing to be self sustaining for a year, but I don't see myself trying it. I am, however, strengthening my resolve to eat local, especially when we return to America next year, and to eat ethically, particularly when it comes to meat and feedlots. Arkansas has local rice producers, too, and our hometown boasts an incredible Community Supported Agriculture.
"Food brings people together. Where bread is broken, trust follows."
~Barbara Kingslover
-Life Together in Christ by Ruth Haley Barton. Aaron and I have lived in communities most of our married life, so it takes some adjusting to move back to America where the neighbors hardly know each other and nobody ever borrows an egg. I'm learning everything I can because I think authenticity and community are key to healthy and whole people. Including me.
"When our dreams and convictions about what we think community should be are dashed against the jagged reef of human limitations and failure to live up to one another's needs and expectations, then and only then are we ready to accept the fact that Christian community is not about us at all. It is about the transforming presence of Christ -- all he will do in and and through and for each of us."
~Ruth Haley Barton
Friday, August 7, 2020
Panning for Gold
Thursday, August 6, 2020
National Root Beer Float Day
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Favorite Foods