Saturday, August 6, 2022

Wedding Weekend

 In an age hostile to the keeping of promises, 

may you stand side-by-side, defending always and with great passion your holy pledge to one another;

 and may your souls be shaped, through joy and sorrow alike, 

by long obedience to those good promises.

May your love for one another overflow in blessing to all who have the joy of knowing you.

May the world be better loved because of your passion for each other.

May the flame of your love never wane, but burn ever fiercer across the years,

that even in old age you would remain well springs of one another's delight.

May your home be ever a haven of tenderness.

May you never retreat from one another in your woundedness.

Rather, when you feel most vulnerable, when you feel most hurt, 

may you learn in those moments most of all, to lean in to your love, 

holding it all the more precious for the sacrifices it requires.

May your shared story be one of courage and creativity, 

of conviction and compassion as you co-labor in the light of that better kingdom of which you are true citizens.  

Along your path through this life, may you build together bright beacons,

 that those generations still to follow might one day walk 

in your illuminated footprints towards that eternal city.

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