Monday, May 29, 2023

April (1st half)

April was an incredibly busy month for our family, but we still tried to start each morning with some Lenten devotional thoughts.

Katherine finished her biology dissections for school.

We soaked and planted beans as soon as we were safe from frost.

The first weekend in April, some old friends, the Havenga family, came for a visit.

John is an extraordinary runner, and when he saw that the 20k trail race "Hoof it for Heifer", held at Petit Jean State Park, was the same weekend as their visit, he signed up.

The morning began very early, Aaron and John left to get John to the race in time,

and Lori and I came later with all the kids. After the race, we enjoyed exploring the Cedar Falls trail and waterfall.

The first weekend in April was also Palm Sunday, and the CBC string quartet played for a worship service in North Little Rock. These guys give so much of their time and energy to serve their community!

The second Sunday in April was Easter, and once again we enjoyed a house full of people.

Sarah came up from Dallas, and Olivia brought several of her friends to celebrate.

The dogwoods bloomed,

The firepit cheered.

And the kitchen hummed with life again as everyone pitched in to help.

We made our traditional Resurrection Cookies.

And even though Hannah and Benjamin needed to stay in Houston,

we enjoyed a sweet Easter celebration with lots of lovely young ladies.

And lots of extended family, too.

Also different from our Easters in Honiara.

But always celebrating with coconut cake!

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