Monday, September 16, 2024

Christmas 2023

With all of our kids home, plus one extra friend, our house was full of joy and laughter and Christmas celebration.

We played many games.

We took daily walks.

Aaron even found mistletoe on one of the walking trails.

So he picked a sprig, and we tried it out before we took it home to hang over the doorway.

Group photos made our personalities shine.

But we did get a nice shot of everyone together after church on Christmas morning.

Then the festivities really began as we opened our home to extended family.

We're so grateful to live nearby so many of our family members

and to have the opportunity to spend time with them.

We went Christmas caroling,

played more games,

reveled in the hugs,

ate delicious food like gingerbread waffles,

and tried to soak up every possible minute

with these amazing humans God has given us.

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