Tuesday, September 10, 2024

December Health Update

December marked a turning point in my treatments. My resting heart began to come down after spiking with each of the "Big Six" chemo infusions. The baby chemo (started in November) still made my body work extra hard to repair, but it was a nice change as the harsher drugs were removed from my regimen.

I started a month of radiation in December

aided by this technological wonder that distributed my dose so carefully while I held my breath.

Even with all of the technology, I still got Sharpie marks to indicate the treated area :) The lines helped me know where to apply the preventative steroid cream. They also guided my competent and kind radiation team.

Because I received treatments during Christmas break, Olivia came with me and watched outside as I received treatment. The radiation technicians explained all the details as she observed, and they allowed her to take pictures.

I received radiation and chemo on the same day, so Olivia also got to accompany me for a chemo session. Her presence encouraged me and made a hard thing much easier!

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