Monday, September 2, 2024

October 2023

October 2023 saw the last of my Big Six chemo treatments and the transition to what I affectionately named "baby chemo". Dropping two of the meanest drugs, in addition to finishing the steroid and the shot to stimulate bone marrow growth, meant I began to feel a little bit better and my hair started to grow back.

Katherine continued with her youth orchestra rehearsals in Little Rock, which we used as an opportunity to enjoy "coffee and calendar" and explore new trails in the area.

The 8th grade orchestra students gave me a basket with goodies for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. These amazing orch dorks are cheering me on every step of the way!

Our little front yard Arkansas Black apple tree produced almost 50 apples this fall. Katherine watched over them all summer long and then harvested them with delight. 

Morning walks along my hometown's trails looked even more beautiful in the autumn light as the birds hunted for breakfast.

October meant the next round of scans to check on my heart and to prepare me for surgery in November.

And we squeezed in a quick trip to JBU to cheer on our favorite stage manager, Olivia.

Pancakes and bacon in her townhouse with a fabulous bunch of students brought us much joy!

Evidently, the sisters dressed alike without advance planning :)

The end of October also gave me the (hopefully) once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dress up as Mr. Clean for Halloween at school.

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