Thursday, September 12, 2024

December 2023

 So many good things happened in December!

My gym buddies continue to encourage me. One morning, I was fruitlessly searching for the jump rope that should live with the other equipment. Amy noticed my lack and mentioned she had begun to bring her own jump rope. She finished her workout, said goodbye, and I continued to sweat through my assignment. A few minutes later, Amy returned with a brand new jump rope. For me. It now lives in my backpack.

Our family made our annual trip up to JBU for Christmas Candlelight, one of our favorite traditions.

We delight in the beautiful music and the way this worshipful concert kicks off our Advent season, 

but we especially enjoy the people we get to see,

and the laughter that fills the air when we are together.

December also included breakfasts with our now familiar friend, "The Art of Advent",

weekly coffee and calendar dates while Katherine rehearsed with the AYSO,

traipsing around parks and trails while enjoying the crunching of leaves

and golden hour that arrived a little earlier each week.

Advent was smaller and quieter,

with only three of us participating this year. I missed sharing the connecting traditions across the country,

but as our family continues to grow and change, so our traditions also morph to meet our needs.

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