You may be wondering if we are just sitting around twiddling our thumbs. Our orientation program contains three parts - Pijin language learning, becoming familiar with the history and culture of the Solomon Islands, and finding our way around Honiara.
Language Learning - We have a manual to help us learn Pijin, the entire Bible in Pijin, the Pijin New Testament on audio, radio broadcasts to practice listening comprehension, and plenty of people around to help us practice.
History and Culture - If you could see our home right now, there are stacks of books about the Solomons, and we are diligently wading through them and writing reading responses.
Honiara - Here's where the fun starts! In an effort to spice up orientation, some former teams concocted "Where in Honiara is Carmen San Diego?" So, we began today! Our assignment for the morning was to walk down the hill to the highway and catch a bus into town. Then, we shopped at a few stores, checked out airline schedules (there are no planes to the Russells), investigated the wharf and talked to some crews, ate some fish and chips, taste tested some ice cream at a locally owned shop, and returned by bus. Friday, we plan to inspect the National Museum. 
Sounds like a fun and busy day. I am online with the cable now, so it is a matter of time to figure out facebook and get the camera set up so that I can see you via SKYPE. Your Mom is trying but the brain is taxed with all this.
It is gorgeous and after spending more time with Conwaycorp than should have been necessary, I am going for a walk...hugs and prayers.
Your leg looks so-o-o-o-o-o much better!!! PTL!!! LOVE the view from your porch!! I'm so glad you guys have internet so we can keep in touch with you. The kids look good!!!
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