make known among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.
Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always."
Psalm 105:1-4
What gorgeous orchids...believe it or not, I bought one today at Kroger...they had been $25.00 and I was not even tempted, but it was $6.00 today, so I brought it home. There is even a bud or two that are not opened yet. NOt the same type as yours, but pretty just the same. I have two anthirium blooms and the bromiliad has a new bloom too. It makes me happy to be able to have the tropical flowers.
Love you.
Joanna & Aaron,
Our Sunday School class (at WHBC) that Ken and I co-teach with Mike and Ginger Marshall have spent the past month discussing missions and commitment to missions. Today, we, as a class, decided to put feet to those prayers and studies by making a firm commitment to adopt a missionary family. Guess who was nominated? Yep! The Choate family. Kind of neat, I think, that you two were married in this church and now are supported in hearts, prayers, and practical ways by so many.
Please email me when you can to let us know what we can do to enCOURAGE your family, to relieve burdens you might be under, or to pray specific requests you have for us to lift up. We will await your guidance in this as we are all new to this and just want to be the "arms" that lift you up as you allow the Lord to serve through you.
Your blog enCOURAGEs me each time I read it, and I gave the URL to the class today. Ken and I will be teaching during January, so it will go out again several times for those who want to get acquainted with their newly adopted Choate family missionaries.
May God continue to BLESS AND PROSPER your work and answer all your prayers! I'm sure you would enJOY being in Savannah with family to celebrate a "Williams Family Christmas" this week, but I also know that God can, and I pray He will provide the peace that passes all understanding so that you're reassured of your calling to the task at hand and blessed just by doing those tasks this week.
Love you much and respect you so very much!
Thank you for your posts. I enjoy keeping up with y'all.
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