Friday, April 9, 2010

Aaron's trip

Aaron is getting ready to leave for a quick overnight trip to visit three villages in the West Russells.  He'll be going with Ezekial Hasa, our village Chief, and one of the catechists from our village.  Please pray for him as he travels in a canoe and meets lots of new people (including one man who translated the prayer book into Lavukaleve).  He's hoping to discern if the Lavukal need to participate in a Principles of Translation workshop or if we can start to move forward with the beginning stages of translation.  He plans to be home late Sunday night. 

1 comment:

Nahna said...

Just saw the trip report and got a call from Susan Bradley Helton telling me of the earthquake off Kira Kira...we are praying for you all and know that you may be totally unaware of all this. God be with you. Pray for us too...this does strike my heart in a strange way as we are leaving in a week.