Friday, October 4, 2024

April 2024 Orchestra Trip

"God can take hard stories with tremulous beginnings and weave them into something sweet and good, even though the threads are made of trials." ~Glenna Marshall

My position at school was dissolved at the end of March, due to budget constraints. I was devastated.

 These students and teachers supported me through the roughest of my cancer treatments, and when I spend time with them, they bring me much joy.

But I was still invited to chaperone the orchestra trip to Dallas, and I gladly accepted! 

The orchestra played in Meyerson Center, and we even had a former student come to cheer on their performance.

My roommate was a dear friend, who graciously dealt with my cancer related fatigue.

She also rode roller coasters with me at Six Flags :)

This year's seniors were a particularly special bunch to me, they were beginners the year I taught orchestra full time. I've watched them grow into incredible musicians, but more importantly, I've watched them blossom into responsible, funny, creative young adults.


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