Wednesday, October 9, 2024

May Days 2024

 The last Arkansas Symphony Masterworks concert of the season was a special one, so we got all gussied up and made a date. Our cello teacher, Rafael, was performing in his final concert after forty years.

Rafael was a big part of our story, he came to our recipe wedding shower, and we still have the recipe for guacamole that he gave us :) We just wanted him to know that we appreciated the many years he has served Arkansas as a teacher and a musician and that he had impacted and shaped our lives.

May also brought the state championship soccer games. 

For the third year in a row, our alma mater was vying for the title. 

One of the orchestra students was on the team, and so was one of the young men from church, so I went to cheer on the Wampus Cats.

I wasn't the only orch dork in the stands! So many of the musicians showed up to root for the men's soccer team.

And they won!

May brought more walks with my mom and her sweet dog, Roxie, just before we had to say goodbye to our furry friend because of illness.

We participated in the food drive "Stamp Out Hunger" sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers. This is something we have enjoyed doing for many years.

I went to my last chemo treatment with a family photograph. The next treatment would be the last one, and my biggest cheerleaders would be by my side!

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