Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jisas ngana laketei

Every morning as we begin school, I take the kids over the Educational Resource Center to practice piano. Yesterday, Katherine wanted to have a turn in between Sarah and Benjamin, so she hopped up and began to play very gently. Then, she surprised me by singing one of the songs we've been practicing in language! She matched pitch beautifully, and I could actually understand a few of the words she was singing.

Jisas ngana laketei ngone ga

Foiga ena ngone haifoiare ngoa lame

Ngokiae laura go ena esevorima

Lod inu fin laketei hi.


Abi's Blog said...

I love it! Kristin would sit at the piano and pick out the songs from the church service. She was probably between 3 and 5. Have a great day!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Wow. So what does it mean?


Herding Grasshoppers said...

(Okay, I get that "Jisas" is probably "Jesus", but after that I was lost!)

The Hibbard Family said...

I want to know, too! Goodness that girl is growing - I just want to scoop her up and love on her! I understand completely why she never has to be alone on Marulaon! :-)