Special guest post by Aaron:

7 August 1942, US Marines landed on Guadalcanal. This weekend, the US sent the USS Mustin to Honiara to honor the memory of the event. Three different memorial services were held around town and tours of the Mustin were offered to US citizens and special guests. Aaron, Sarah and Benjamin had a great time getting a little taste of America again.
First I will say thank you to the men and women serving aboard the Mustin. Seeing the US flag flying and knowing that all over the world our airmen, soldiers, sailors, and marines are working and or fighting was humbling. Psalm 144:1 "Praise the Lord who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle."

Here we are waiting to board the ship. It is amazing how big is gets the closer you get to it. We never did find out what those two garage doors on the back were for.

This is a complex photo. The octagonal plate on the left is part of the missle tracking system on the Mustin. The USS Mustin is a guided missle destroyer. It serves is a battle group of eight ships in the Pacific. And the Mustin won the group's efficiency award last year. Our guide told us that coming here was kind of a reward for that! The tall mast of the ship carries most of the radio and satellite equipment. Making the ship top heavy, we learned that if the seas were very rough so the ship rocked to a 45 degree angle, the mast is designed to break off so as not to capsize the ship.

These are torpedo tubes on the side of the ship. There is another set on the opposite side. The tube with the door open has a live torpedo inside! The Msutin came to Honiara from unfriendly waters and the loaded torpedo was just part of protocol. We learned some fascinating science in dealing with torpedoes; launching using 1600 lbs of air pressure and chemical reactions with the salt water to activate the torpedo.
Sarah was our photographer most of the day, so we had to get her in at least one shot. This is one of two anchors at the front of the ship.
It was a great experience for us. God bless the USA.
Hey guys!
Large garage doors appear to be hangars for helicopters, primarily for anti-sub or search and rescue usage.
Second US Navy ship of that name. First one saw action in WWII at....Guadalcanal!
Original USS Mustin named for Captain Mustin, known as father of Naval Aviation---he designed the first catapult launchers for aircraft.
The one you were on was named for this Mustin and his sons, and grandsons, that have been career naval officers.
Did you meet our friend Todd Delany? He arrived there on that ship and gave the prayer at the anniversary memorial. We told him to be looking for you. :)
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