Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20

Benjamin has been our evening entertainment lately.  One night, after the lights were off and everyone was settled down for the night, I heard his voice at my elbow.  "Mama, may I please get some paper and a pencil?  I just made up a great limerick and I need to write it down!" 

A few nights later, again after everyone was in bed, I heard from the bathroom, "I hope the light doesn't disturb you.  I just dropped a plastic glow-in-the-dark star in the toilet, and I need to fish it out."  That boy makes me smile!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Will he publish his limerick???

Dropped a star in the toilet... that's a new one!

Praying for a safe trip "home" to Honiara for you guys,


Anonymous said...

Benjamin! What a great kid! I miss him...and all your kids...actually, your whole family. ~Ruth H.