Monday, November 4, 2019

Birthday Cake

Friday morning at tea time, a sweet friend asked me to make a birthday cake for her grandson who was turning one on Sunday.  In this culture, to say no would have shamed her and broken our relationship (even though I'm packing up my kitchen), so I said yes!  Plus, who doesn't like an excuse to bake and celebrate and share joy?!?

I asked her what time she wanted the cake on Sunday, and she responded with "Evening."  I felt comfortable enough asking for a clock time, so she said three o'clock.  Perfect.  Saturday afternoon, I took a packing break and baked the banana cake she requested.  I planned to stop there, but decided to go ahead and finish the job while I was on a roll.  I haven't leveled a cake in ages, and I desperately missed Sarah and her skills.

Thankfully, chocolate buttercream covered a multitude of flaws, and I felt no pressure for a Pinterest worthy presentation.  This was a labor of love.  And I'm glad I had it ready early.  Because Sunday afternoon at 1:30, my friend showed up for her cake.  Gotta love Solomon Time!

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