Monday, July 11, 2022

Even More May Days

We are pieces of art, designed to be beautiful and thus draw attention to our artist.  We are simply made for nothing else.  When we live to glorify God, we step into the only truly humanizing way of living.  We function properly like a car running on gasoline rather than orange juice.
~Dane Ortlund, "Gentle and Lowly"

I didn't realize just how full May was until I looked back at all of the pictures!  So many opportunities to "draw attention to our Artist".

Katherine is soaking up the opportunities to play her cello while were in America.  Her youth orchestra performance was a great chance to get together with family and celebrate her hard work while we enjoyed the music.

My cousin lives on my morning jogging route, but we hardly ever get together.  I was so glad he reached out and invited us to coffee one afternoon.

I also appreciate that we can vote in person when we are in America, absentee voting isn't always possible when we live overseas.

Remember the big storm that brought us a power outage?  It also fried our electric oven...the thirty year old oven we inherited when we bought the house.  So for several weeks, we've been mostly cooking on the stove top (which still worked) or occasionally driving the few blocks to use my mom's oven.

But my birthday present was a new gas oven!  The house already had all of the gas pipes up and running, so the switch was super easy.  I LOVE cooking with gas again!

My Wonder Twin and former colleague, Lauren, shares a birthday month with me, so whenever possible, we try to get together and celebrate.  She is one of the kindest people I know, and spending time with her and her precious toddler brightened my month.


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