Saturday, August 29, 2009

More language learning

When I study language with the kids in school, we sing a song with our videorecording, then we listen and read along with a short story. Here is the first story in the Lavukaleve Primer with a very rough English gloss underneath:
Ngai vovou tula nun nganu logologo.
When I was a small child, my hair was smooth.

Aka ini rugiaril siare, nganu ga oitaua.
Then my hair was different.

Hano gnanu go ele hobea sia.
Now my hair looks good.

Aka ini tuaneare lore nganu ga fufulu tin osia.
Then when I am all grown up, my hair will be gray.


Herding Grasshoppers said...

I suppose that's more useful than the ever-popular, "Pencil. This is my yellow pencil. The pencil is on the desk." As if the first thing I'd want to talk about would be school supplies.

But is hair a big topic of conversation? ;o)

Love the song, BTW,


Choate Family said...

How 'bout a story about Lego? Would that be more up your alley?

Actually, the stories are arranged according to how many letters in the alphabet they use. "Nu" is hair, and this story uses only a few letters. Some of the other stories are about crabs, nets, underwater caves, eels, you get the picture?

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Ah, I get it!

Actually, it all sounds fascinating. I'm enjoying your life vicariously :0)

How's your husband feeling?