Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Aaron's Trip to Marulaon

Here's a brief report from Aaron's trip last week, in his own words:

August 24-27, I made a quick trip out to the village to keep the work out there steadily moving along. The day was devoted to the Translation Team all coming together, and the second, for a training session on a language survey tool called A Guide for Planning the Future of Your Language. It is likely to take several months to complete this study in each of the eighteen Lavukal villages.

Highlights from the trip:
-Interest was high
    -Translator participation was 100%
    -The translators are really beginning to grasp the idea that the word of God must first change them, before they can attempt to change it into Lavukaleve!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! Praise God!